Friday, September 21, 2007

Wapanese Pedo Likes Saaya Irie

And a homeless wapanese pedo with a notebook computer at that.


With that out of the way, this is a standard pedo article except for one thing: This pedo is a Wapanese! Also of interest is that the media finally lists some pedo DVD titles which we can search and add to our online shopping cart. So what's hot with the pedos these days?

"Asian girls in various stages of undress" who appeared younger than 12.

"Various stages of undress"? In other words, "Asians girls in various stages of dress". Glass half-empty and glass half-full = SAME SHIT. Nice use of biased words in order to drum in a certain viewpoint there, article writer.

Fortunately, the article lists a few DVD titles including "Saaya Irie Legend 11 years old" and "Pretty Sexy Teens Series"

Saaya Irie?! Old. She's not even 11 anymore. And you got the fukken name wrong. It's "Saaya Irie - Little Legend".

Regardless of whether the Wapanese gets the full 250 years (lulz) or not, I'll just say this: If you don't find Saaya Irie at least attractive, then you are a faggot, a woman, an Asian-hating racist or a closet pedophile.

Her age is irrelevant. (Look but don't touch okay?)

America: Freedom To Beat The Shit Outta You

Now this is funny and depressing at the same time.

Long story short: A father, whose son was killed in Iraq, uses his democratic right to protest and make his anti-war voice heard. The "Gathering of Eagles" (check out their comments here, they're almost as bad as StormFront!), a group of pro-war protesters, uses their democratic right to make their pro-war voices heard.

And to beat the shit outta any anti-war pussy libtards (IE. the aforementioned father).

This is 100% authentic American patriotism and nationalism at work folks!

To those who are tarnishing the freedom-loving image of America: may I kindly suggest that you get a brain.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dont Taser Me Bro!

Isn't America the best country on Earth?

First, it was the college kid of Middle-Eastern appearance who was tasered by the police for not having ID and resisting arrest while in the university library.

Now, it is a white college kid who was tasered by the police (apologies for the "Faux News" link) for... umm. Hmm, he was tasered for... sorry what was he tasered for? Hmmmm. The best I could come up with was that he was arrested for no reason and he was tasered for resisting that senseless arrest.

My conclusions about this event:

1) The twatty kid asked his good and relevant questions in a douchebaggery way, but they were good and relevant questions nonetheless.

2) "He deserved it for being a twat/douchebag", people on the Internets might claim (an all too common occurence). I'll only agree with this statement if the taser shocks are also applied to Bill O'Reilly's genitals. Otherwise, BULLSHIT.

3) Cops are donut-eating pigs.

4) U.S. Constitution: First Amendment - Freedom of Speech? HAH! Keep being sheep, idiots. MORE SECURITY (FROM IMAGINARY ENEMIES), LESS FREEDOM, THANKS!

5) This incident would not have happened to a woman.

6) 99% of the arm-chair generals (IE. basement nerds) on the Internet probably wouldn't have handled the taser any better. Much less ask the tough questions worth asking in RL.

7) Did I mention that cops are pigs?

Monday, September 17, 2007

"It booonnnne lie de fi-yuh!”

How about some news to lighten up your day?

In shithole African country #12 (Sierra Leone, if it matters to you), people are dying and they have no access to drugs or medicines, as The New York Times reports.

A poor woman has contracted breast cancer and is slowly kicking the bucket. In fact, she is suffering to death. The article describes that the tumor had burst through her skin, looking like a putrid head of cauliflower weeping small amounts of blood at its edges.

Here is a photo of a cauliflower to assist you in imagining what her cancer-ridden breasts looks like.

So far, so boring.

Author of the article, Donald G. McNeil Jr, asks the woman how she feels about her unfortunate situation:

"It bone! It booonnnne lie de fi-yuh!"

Sorry, could you please repeat that?


Hats off to you, Donald, for the lulz. You're on FI-YUH!

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Parents Did It? I AM VERY SHOCKED AND APPALLED, SIR. (note: sarcasm)


Unless you've been living in a cave for the past 130 days, then you would surely have heard (via newspapers, commercial news, radio, etc) of a certain "Madeleine McCann", a young girl who went missing while her family was holidaying in Portugal.

Many events happened during that time, such as Madeleine's publicity-loving parents conducting large search parties to find their daughter, enlisting the help of David Beckham (and other celebrities) for public awareness purposes, and even meeting with the Pope Benedict, who would have asked God for help on AIM, but he was offline.

The standard Missing White Woman (or girl in this case) Syndrome (MWWS) symptoms were predictably prevalent: Continual news coverage in the media, so much so, that you secretly wish her dead body is finally found so that they can report real news for once; and the immense public outpouring of real and fake sympathy.

In fact, the authors of America: The Book derived a new equation to explain this phenomenon:

MinutesofCoverage = FamilyIncome * (AbducteeCuteness/SkinColor)^2 + LengthofAbduction * MediaSavvyofGrievingParents

In case you suck at algebra, the fundamental theory of the equation is this:

When a white woman (or girl) goes missing, there are shitloads of media coverage and there are shitloads of public sympathy.
When, for example, a black boy or girl goes missing, you see none of that. The missing person's name would be lucky to even make it to the corner of the newspaper in size 4 font.

Granted, nobody cares about niggers, however the over-the-top media coverage of a missing white woman whom I don't know and don't care about, makes me care even less. Of course, the media is doing it solely for the ratings and all and not because they actually care about whoever's missing. More reason to just get your news from the Internet and the Internet only.

So what now?

The incompetency of the Portuguese police aside, they may have found evidence that Madeleine McCann died after a 'sleeping pill overdose'. It is alleged that her parent or parents were finding it hard to cope with raising 'hysterical' children. Which is where the sleeping pill comes in.

The authorities are hoping to obtain Kate McCann's (the mother) diary to expose more dirty secrets.

Did I say I was annoyed at the continual media coverage of this event? I changed my mind: There are lulz to be had.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Introduction to the Invisible Sky Magician

Hello everyone!

I am known as the Invisible Sky Magician. You might remember me from such works of fiction as The Bible, The Bible Part II: The Retranslated Version, The New Bible Part III: The Re-retranslated and Reinterpreted Version, and my newest release, The Bible 4.0: Live Heterosexually or Suck Hard.

I also recently finished casting in a Saudi Arabian action blockbuster, which I'm sure you will all enjoy. However, the worldwide release was postponed because the film director was beheaded for allegedly insulting Islam. His 4 day old corpse is currently in court where the jury will decide whether his blasphemy deserves a death sentence.

Anyways, enough shameless self-promotion. You want to know why you're even here reading this blog. Well, I guess I set up this blog just for my own interests and to make a bigoted rant or two (or over 9000). Also, I will post anything that happens in real life or Internet, that makes me LULZ (LULZ is a corruption of LOL, in case you didn't know).

So to put it in a few words, my blog is exactly like all the other millions of blogs that exist on the Internet.


(If you have any comments or like to make suggestions on what things you would like to see on this blog, then feel free to make a comment)