Friday, September 21, 2007

America: Freedom To Beat The Shit Outta You

Now this is funny and depressing at the same time.

Long story short: A father, whose son was killed in Iraq, uses his democratic right to protest and make his anti-war voice heard. The "Gathering of Eagles" (check out their comments here, they're almost as bad as StormFront!), a group of pro-war protesters, uses their democratic right to make their pro-war voices heard.

And to beat the shit outta any anti-war pussy libtards (IE. the aforementioned father).

This is 100% authentic American patriotism and nationalism at work folks!

To those who are tarnishing the freedom-loving image of America: may I kindly suggest that you get a brain.



Anonymous said...

Yeah. You're so much better.

Oh no, a brawl. Whupdishit. Grow the fuck up. Because this is happening every day.

Oh wait. No it's not.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.